1. Good salary and benefits

The company has a comprehensive compensation system that provides employees with competitive compensation in the industry and local area. In addition to basic salary, employees can also enjoy job allowances, night shift allowances, high-temperature subsidies, and related rewards.

2. Wide development space

The company is committed to developing together with its employees, and we firmly believe that every employee is a talent. Through vocational training, job suitability, performance evaluation, potential assessment, career planning, and other methods, we provide everyone with ample opportunities to showcase themselves, a good development platform, and broad promotion opportunities.

3. A comprehensive security system

The company has a comprehensive social security system and strictly complies with national regulations to timely and fully pay various social insurances for each employee.

4. Humanized holidays

Employees have four days off per month; In addition, employees can also enjoy various national statutory holidays, marriage leave, maternity leave, family visit leave, funeral leave, etc.

5. Systematic vocational training

The company provides numerous training and learning opportunities for employees to help them continue to grow and improve their knowledge level, business ability, personal qualities, and leadership skills.

6. Rich amateur cultural activities

The company has facilities for leisure activities such as basketball courts, table tennis courts, tennis courts, and clubs. The company regularly organizes employee or departmental activities, and occasionally organizes various sports and friendly competitions. It also organizes a rich and colorful series of activities based on the interests and hobbies of employees.